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The Italian Mystery Auditing Association is sponsoring the review meeting of ISO 19011

Immagine del redattore: Redazione AMAIRedazione AMAI

Aggiornamento: 5 apr 2021

The Italian Mystery Auditing Association and Mynoilab – Susanna Gonnella srl, jointly sponsor the international committee meeting of ISO/PC 302 reviewing the 19011 standard, guidelines for auditing management systems, which will be held from April 18th to 21st, 2017, in Milan.

The Italian Mystery Auditing Association was founded in Milan during the year of EXPO2015 by a group of professionals with a passion for the methodololy on which the concept of Mystery Auditing is based on the scope of organizational development. The association’s mission aims at promoting a higher standard of service by applying mystery auditing methodology and giving value to the specific skills and knowledge of the mystery auditors.

Mynoilab – Susanna Gonnella srl, a member of the association, is a consulting firm specialized in organizational development centered based on three methodologies: Mystery Shopping/Mystery Audit, professional group and individiual Coaching, and personalized Training programmes. Mynoilab’s team is specialized in the areas of interpersonal relationships, communication, customer experience and customer service, organizational procedures and change management.

Both entities believe in mystery auditing methodology being an efficient tool as it strongly focuses on the customer and the fulfilment of his/her needs and desires. The methodology is also applicable in combination with or to enhance other auditing procedures. The great advantage of mystery auditing lies in the fact that the procedure foresees data collection while a customer/consumer is actually experiencing or acquiring a good or service. The mystery audit therefore directly captures the efficiency of the service provided.

The Italian Mystery Auditing Association and Mynoilab are actively involved with the italian comitee UNI/CT 016/GL 37 – Audit for quality surveying and environment - in the review of the guideline UNI 11312 (guidelines for mystery audit) with a project structured as follows:

- Part 1: Guidelines for the project, management and execution of a mystery audit program and the procedure to be followed to ensure that the audit produces effective and representative data

- Part 2: Guidelines of the necessary skills, knowledge and competence of mystery auditors

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